Saturday, November 24, 2018

By the light of the Moon

This set of images of the full moon were taken in 2015 (if the date stamp on them is correct). 

This first set of images are date stamped for July of 2015. They were taken in Endwell, NY 

These last two images of the moon were taken in September of 2015. Also in Endwell, NY.

 I am not certain that I shot these images in the "correct" way and there might be many tips out there on how to capture the moon more clearly. I am proud to say that I am impressed with the outcome. When you walk into a situation and have no expectation of the outcome you have no room for disappointment. Let the "Light of the Moon" guide you through a new situation and learn to be happy for how it turns out. 

Tulip- Stand Alone

Stand Alone

Sometimes you need to Stand Alone to be able to shine bright enough to show others the way!